
Showing posts from April, 2018

- These days / Beauty of Whidbey Island -

Hello y'all, 😊 Today I would like to talk about my past few days. It has been raining and cloudy a lot here in Whidbey Island. But  this is normal here.  I haven't been here for 7 years due to Mr.Wolf's job, so I just need a little time to adjust and get used to this weather.  I know the weather here is a lot of rain, I am okay with that,  I know I can handle it. 😉👍 I just need time to adjust and get used to it again ... since I have not been here for 7 years.   It has been over a week since we got here, and I noticed...  I forgot driving route.  The other day I got lost in town, and I realized I made a driving route mistake.  I will have to think and remember how I used to drive around here.  I love this nature land.  Lovely isn't it ?  Dogs played on beach, Momo got tired, Koyuki needed to walk more to burn puppy energy, so we had slow love walk.  So Momo can get into the dog stroller in and out.  Now she is 13 years old, she will be 14 years

- Looking back at our RV Journey -

Hello y'all, 😀✨ Today I would like to looking back at our RV Journey route, and share with you. 😉✨ As I said, after Mr. Wolf retired from the Navy, we started our RV Journey last October 4th from Memphis / Millington, Tennessee.  Just right before starting our RV Journey, we had a car accident.  We ran over a piece of metal and the underneath of our car was broken. We bought a new car to start our journey while car was getting fixed.   Here are location lists of our adventure and route.😊 1. Midway RV Park/Memphis, Millington/Tennessee   2. Mr. Wolf's family house/Indiana  3. Stopped by Walmart/ Big Rapids/Michigan  4. Tourist Park/Marquette / Michigan   5. Pine Crest Tent & Trailer Park /  Thessalon / Ontario ,        Canada  6. Sturgeon Falles KOA Holiday /  Sturgeon Falles / Ontario       Canada   7. Montreal South KOA /  Laprairie, / Quebec, Canada   8. Goulsboro / Maine   9. Portsmouth / Rhode Isla