
Showing posts from June, 2017

Adventure - Planner

The other day I found this.  I just thought this is just for US. 😄💕 Yep, we're gonna start our adventure from this autumn and this is " Adventure Planner from August 2017 - December 2018 " .✨ Our adventure RV travel will start from this autumn.  We already have been making our travel plan little by little.  I usually do not like making lots of plan for road trip, especially like this long road trip.  But .... well, we needed to make some reservations for big event location ... 😥😁 So when I found this planner , I was so HAPPY, this is just for us.  Perfect ! 👍✨ We might change our plans sometimes, so I started to write it down with pencil.  Lately I feel the time has been flying by so quickly.... 😳💦 And I've been working for our household for moving.  This will be the our last moving, so my hubby, Mr. Wolf has been pushing me to get rid off many stuff which we don't use much anymore ...😥😓 It is HARD to say good-bye for

- DIY Dog Kennel - with IKEA's Baby Diaper Changing Table

Hi everyone,  It took me for a long time to finish this project.  But it worth it and so much fun to make it !!!  Lately I saw dog kennels which looks like a furniture and nice fit in the rooms.   We're going to have an RV travel from October after my hubby Mr.Wolf retired.  It's gonna be about for half year trip, so I wanted to make a Koyuki's puppy kennel for our RV.  As you know we only have certain spaces in an RV, and I wanted to make good enough space for her room, also I wanted to keep vertical space for storage, and easy for cleaning the floor. And I chose this IKEA's baby diaper changing table, especially this is very stable and happy price !  ($ 35 !!! )  It took for a while when I made the design. I wanted to make it useful and which has some functions what I needed. Ikea's original baby Diaper changing table is this one down below.  I made a front door with hinges.  It's gonna be full opened.  I wanted to let her us
This is my favorite tree in our backyard.  Last passed two years, it did not blooming well,  maybe it did not rain enough ... ? I don't know why... But... this year we have like this pretty flowers and blooming well. I am very HAPPY to see like this.  We're leaving Memphis the end of summer...  I am going to miss this tree, many good friends, and this house, and this town, Memphis ...  I really enjoyed here, I found many good friends, lots of fun here... it was very precious happy time and good memories.