
Showing posts from May, 2018

- These days / Finally moved in -

Hello y'all, 😊👋 It took me for a long time since last update.  My PC was broken, and it took for a long time to fix it.  Our campground wifi does not work well, super slow, I could not update this blog at all. And even though we moved into our house, our wifi did not work well.  Today we finally fixed wifi antenna also. 😉  That's why I could not update this blog at all.  I was frustrated for a long time...😢💦 However Mr.Wolf, doggies, and I are fine. 😊 We've been so busy for moving into our house.😳 In the end, we stayed on campground for a month, and just the other day, we finally moved into our house !  Yay ! 😃✨ At the same time, I feel a little sad to say good bye for campground and RV life for a while.  I miss our RV life,too. We stayed on campground for about a month, so we had RV camping life for 7 months since last October. 😊 It was precious experiences, and lots of fun even though we had some accidents and issues.  I