
Showing posts from July, 2017

- Card Making -

This is also my card making, I made this two years ago.  I deleted my old blog, so now I started to repost my old cards, too.  I enjoyed stamp & coloring ...  FUN !  It is very hard to believe it's already the end of July.  No time until our moving ... 😓😢

- Handwriting Lettering -

Lately I got these books.  These are handwriting lettering book.  Yesterday I posted my favorite phrase...  I like to see handwriting lettering ...  So ...when we go to our RV long road trip, I would like to start to practice and enjoy handwriting lettering...  FUN ! 😋✨ I just prepared the book and sketchbook ...  I miss my crafty time, but not time for now, I just have been busy for getting ready for move ... 😢💦 Hope you have a happy weekend. ✨😋

- Card Making -

This is my another one of my hobbies, card making. Now I've been super busy for our moving, so I can not make any crafty stuff. I miss my crafty time.  This is my new blog and deleted old blog, so I would like to share with you my old creation which i made passed years.  After I moved back to our house in WA, and then i can start many projects again.  I usually make more simple, easy card also.  This is the one I made for my mom in Japan a few years ago,  this is for her Birthday card.  I love stamping, coloring, and cut it out and paste ....  This is the one of my favorite stamp companies, " La-La Land Crafts ".  I attended their Retreat workshop three times in San Francisco a few years ago.  It was so much fun and I learned a lot.  I love cutting machine, Cuttle bug. and cut it out these shape... leaves, bridge for background.  I stamp this girl, and coloring with Copic Markers.  Oh, I also stamped on Washi Origami for her Kimono.  I cut i

- My Favorite Phrase -

I have some of my favorite phrase ...  this is the one of them.  When I found this sign, I thought ....  Yes, this is IT !  I want to make my life like this ...  I would love to do this for me.  and  Hope you also make yourself happy, smile  and lots of laugh... and  LOVE as long as you live ...  My happiness measurement for my life is ...  how much I have smiled and  how much I had laughed a lot ...  We can not buy it with money.  This is my very priority and important life project. Hope you have an another happy smiley day. 😋✨

My Mini Pressure Cooker

I know some people already have like this one.  This is my FIRST slow cooker, pressure cooker  (7 functions in one)  ...etc in my life. It sounds good for our long RV trip from Autumn.  Our RV cooking is only for Mr. Wolf and me, so I wanted to get very small one.  I found this, 2 quarts pot from Amazon.  ( )   It is always FUN for me to see TV commercial like this type kitchen stuff.  They always say " Easy, Fast, Tasty ! " 😅 Really ??? 😳😳😳💦 Just put a lot of ingredients, spices, ...etc. and close the lid and cook immediately. And the next pot cooking is ready to show us,   It certainly seems easy. 😳💦 I did not read the recipe carefully, imitated and followed like TV commercials and added ingredients, closed the lid and cooked. Something seemed a little different from original recipe, but the taste was not that bad. 😅 The Mr. wolf told me it was d


I've been working for volunteer job to teach water aerobics since this March at the Recreation Center.  Teaching my lesson was my carrier for about 18 years, but 7 years ago, I stopped it.  Our Navy life is always moving around the world.  4 years ago, we got here in Memphis, and half year later I got cancer.  It was very hard time for me, I did not expect that in my life. No one had cancer in my family.  I just wanted to be healthier, and wanted to get back my strength.  And many friends here in swimming pool, they are always so nice to me. Their smile always make me smile and encouraged me.  Last March, one of our instructor left our club, and we needed somebody instructor to teach us, .... we did not have anybody for a while.  I was thinking for a while,  ... and finally I wanted to do something I can do for them. It was my appreciation for my friends. And I also wanted to get back my strength and confidence for my health.  Teaching my lesson is always lots of

DIY Sewing / Organize Bag

Hello everyone,  I would like to share with you my DIY organized bag.  Now I am using this in my car.  This bag has 17 pockets. As you see inside and outside.   This is my very favorite.  I love sewing also.  I am very busy for now, so no time for any crafting for my relaxing.  I really miss my crafting time.  So from now on, I would like to share my old creation in this blog. Hope you enjoy these pictures. Thank you for stopping by... 😋✨

DIY Wreathe

I have many hobbies and I love to create many things.  One of my hobbies is making a mesh ribbon wreathe.  I made this last year. This is the one for my sweet friend. And now ...  I am making a wreathe for Mr. Wolf's retirement.  He does not see this blog yet, since I have not telling him yet about this blog.  hahahahahaha !!!    When I finished for making his wreathe, I will share with you again.   Thank you for stopping by, everyone.  Hope you have a precious happy weekend ! 😉🌻✨ 

Dog Park

The other day we finally went to the dog park.  This is my very favorite place and favorite time.  we've been very busy lately for making organized household for moving in September, so we could not go there often.  Our Momo🐶 (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) is  12 years 8 months old, she just started swimming since a few months ago.  She has been doing pretty good in her age.  I am very proud of HER. Now she is a good swimmer only when she can get treats.😅😥😱 It's funny, she swim IF I gave her treat.  Yep, treat and swim. 😅 No treat , no swimming. 😱😰💦 And Koyuki (Chihuahua / 10months old ) 🐶 can also swimming, but she seems like she does not like much for swimming.😥💦  So beautiful, isn't it ?  I call here, doggies Paradice ...💕 

July 4th , 2017

Happy July 4th !  It was raining and thundering hard, but now it stopped. Neighbors are enjoying fireworks.  Luckily our dogs are not scare much for fireworks ..... so far.  Momo is already sleeping in our bed, she will be 13 years old this November, her ears does not work well, so it's okay for her ?! 😅 Koyuki is also okay. 😉👍 Hope you had a Happy July 4th !