
Showing posts from February, 2018

- RV Journey # 44 / Waco, TX Part 2 -

Hello y'all, 😄✨ Okay, let's catch up my days about Waco, TX.  We stayed there for several days, and we enjoyed different things, including Magnolia Market.  There is a very nice store which has Antique, and cool, cute stuff.  I enjoyed there very much.  Here is the store where I enjoyed shopping.  " Spice Village (Waco) " /  click here Mr. Wolf is not interested in much for shopping, so while I was shopping, he went to the Magnolia Bakery, and Dr. Pepper museum. 😊😄👍✨ And again, we enjoyed cupcake. 😍😅💦 One day we went to walk around the town with dogs. Mr. Wolf found the nice walking place in the park.  There was a park by the river, and there was a pond in a park.  We had pretty cold days in Waco, but not raining much. So it was okay for us.  It was very nice stay in Waco, TX.  I was very happy and very enjoyed to see " Magnolia Market " and other places in Waco.   I would like to visit again someday in the

- RV Journey # 43 / Waco, TX - 1 ( Magnolia Market ) -

Hello y'all , 😀✨ After we stopped at track stop in Greenville, we finally got to Waco, TX. 😄✨  I am a BIG FAN of Chip & Joanna Gain from HGTV " Fixer Upper ". 😄💕 So I really wanted to visit Waco and see their Magnolia Market.  On a way to Waco, we found this big sign on highway. 😄💦  hahahahaha, so cool ! I was exciting when I found it !                                                                                        Now I don't have a tv in our RV, so I miss watching their tv show, but I always enjoy to see their program, they inspire me and they both made me laugh a lot. 😅 So I was so exciting to visit their store !!! 😁😄✨ ↑  The picture above, this is the campground where we stayed.  It's about 10 minutes away from Magnolia Market, and by the exit of highway.  Very convenient for us. 😉👍 So now here we go, I took many pictures from Magnolia Market. 😀 Hope you enjoy them. 😉✨ They have Magnolia Market, Magnolia Garden / M

- RV Journey # 42 / See you, Memphis until next time ! and stopping by Greenville, TX -

Hello y'all, 😊✨ As I said in the last post, we left Millington / Memphis. This is the last morning when we left there on base.  I was saying to you all friends in Memphis,  " See you next time ! I miss you all !😢💦😘💕✨ "  Midway RV park in Millington base. After three weeks staying in Memphis, had lots of fun memories, and I am going to miss everything there, all of my friends... ⇣ Driving across Mississippi river.  Good bye Memphis until next time. 😊😢💦✨ And Hello Arkansas. When we across the bridge of Mississippi river, get into Arkansas.  and after long drive, we finally got into the Texas.  This day, we had easy dry camp at the track stop for a night.   And we were getting ready for the next destination... Thank you for stopping by, y'all ! 😀👋✨

- RV Journey # 41 / Stopped by Memphis again, happening & long stay -

Hello y'all ! 😀✨ Thank you for waiting, and visit me again.  Okay, now I can tell you what happened to us.  As I said we are fine, and okay now.  All our RV Journey schedule which went around east coast was perfect and okay until when we returned to Memphis.  We were supposed to spend two weeks in Memphis area since I had hospital appointments and Mr. Wolf also had some errands there.  As I said we had very cold temperature in Pensacola & New Orleans and after that when we got to Memphis, it was also SUPER COLD !  In Memphis, we got snow again and had 9-10 F (約-12.78c  ) and we made a big mistake.  We had to keep running water from the kitchen sink, shower in a bath tub, and bathroom sink.  And we forgot to open the lid of sewer pipe when we went to my hospital appointment.  While we were gone for 4-5 hours, we got flood in RV around bathroom floor, and a little bit bedroom carpet also.  It was just 9 F for the night day.  And the day before that da

- RV Journey # 40 / New Orleans -

Hello y'all, 😀 It's been a long time since last post, I am so sorry.  We are fine, but many things happened to us.  Also I wanted to have break time for updating.  I will explain in next post.  The campground where we stay for now, doesn't have good wifi connection, now it is over midnight, and finally downloaded my photos to PC from my cell phone.  Today I would like to post about New Orleans.  After we left Pensacola, FL, we went to our favorite place, New Orleans, LA.  Yes, we love New Orleans boiled Seafood.  I can say ... we went to New Orleans, because of this Seafood restaurant.  It is a local poplar restaurant,  " Seithers Seafood Restaurant ".   click here Probably this is my number 1 or 2 for BEST restaurant in U.S.   hahahahahaha ! 😍😀😄💕💕💕✨✨✨ We went there twice in a week ! So sad it was the last visit for a long time until next time. 😢 I also love to see New Orleans architecture and houses.  Love t