
Showing posts from March, 2018

- RV Journey # 57 / We made our goal, Whidbey Island, Washington -

Hello y'all, 😀✨ We finally made our goal, our home, Whidbey Island, Washington three days ago !😳😀👋✨ I wanted to update our goal on time, but we were too busy, I could not make it. Sorry ! 😅💦 ↓  The picture down below is at Fidalgo Island, before getting into Whidbey Island, there is a  sign for Whidbey Island.  And right away upon getting here, we already have been super busy, no time for relaxing !  But today finally I got time for this updating !  Maybe some of you don't know about Whidbey Island.  It is a big island in Puget Sound, Washington.  Here it is ...  " (click →)   Whidbey Island  ".  We left our house here about 7 years ago for Mr. Wolf's transfer for the Navy,... and moved to Sasebo, Japan in Summer 2010.                                                            The picture down below is at Fidalgo Island which is connected with bridge from mainland.  Our long RV Journey started from Memphis/Millington Tenness

- RV Journey # 56 / Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon / and special announce -

Hello y'all, 😀✨ We finally got to Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon !  This is the last location, and just right before our goal for this RV Journey. 😳😳😳😅💦 Anyway, we got here ...  It's almost at the borderline of Oregon and Washington.  This is Northwest Beauty... I think. 😉😊✨ It has been raining a lot already, but we are alright.  We are ready to be home in Northwest, Washington.  Everyone, thank you so much for following our RV Journey.  Tomorrow we will be in Washington our goal for RV Journey !  However we will not be able to get into our house yet, we have tons of stuff to do before moving into our house.  So we will stay on campground for a while ! hahahaha !  I am fine with that !  Anyway thanks a lot for following me, and I will continue to update my blog after RV Journey !  Just please keep visiting my blog and I will share my precious days in life.  To be continued ... Thanks for stopping by y'all

- RV Journey # 55 / Alder Acres RV Park, North Bend, Coos Bay, Oregon -

Hello y'all, 😀✨ We finally got here, North Bend, Coos Bay, Oregon ! 😃👋✨ We stayed at " Alder Acres RV Park ", we stopped by to see our friends, M & C ! Yay !  We learned a lot from them how FUN to have RV camping ! Many years ago, we visited their RV camping at  Yellowstone, in Idaho area.  We had lots of fun together.  And then it became one of our big dreams to do long RV trip..., and since then, we made plans many years,  and we made it this RV Journey !  😊😉😀😄😉💕✨ ↓  Scenic route " 101 " !!! 😍😄👍✨  We enjoyed very beautiful Oregon Coast, this is one of my bucket lists I wanted to see ... ! 😀✨  And again, we visited them this time They took us sightseeing and we enjoyed it !  It's very interesting, first day, it was raining, got hail, and had beautiful blue sky... , repeated many times in one day !  😳😮😅💦☔🌞 We had lots of FUN together !!!  We were very lucky, funny weather with raining, hail and

- RV Journey # 54 / Giant Redwoods RV Park, Myers Flat, California -

Hello y'all , 😀✨ As I said in the last post, our goal is getting closer and closer.  My updating this blog is always behind, so I want to catch up as much as possible.😉👍 After we left San Francisco, we headed to the northern part of California.   Our next destination was Redwoods forest area, we stayed at   " Giant Redwoods RV Park " in Myers Flat, California.  😊🌲🌲🌲 Just until several days ago, we always saw very dry, and no tree mountain in eastern California.  While we were driving up here, we saw super dry lands with no tree mountains.  We saw the sign " NO WATER, NO JOB ! " in their farm.  I could not figure out what kinds of farms.  But I guess it was something fruit trees.   It seemed like they are not happy. 😢😥💦  I feel so sorry that we can not control to get raining or sunshine.  Some people needs rain, some people get too much rain, some people needs sunshine or ... ?  suddenly we saw many more green green trees.