
Showing posts from November, 2017

- RV Journey # 27 / Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 2 -

Hello y'all, 😊✨ I would like to share one more post for Pigeon Forge today.  We only had full three days here, luckily we had gorgeous beautiful three days with sunshine ! πŸ˜„✨ As I said we enjoyed bicycling around the town Pigeon Forge.  On the second day, we found " The Island in Pigeon Forge ", which is for eating, playing, shopping, staying.  We could not see enough everything there on second day, so I wanted to go there again on last day in Pigeon Forge. Once again, we took bicycle and doggies in the dog bike cart.  Our doggies love riding a cart and going everywhere with us. πŸ˜„πŸ˜œπŸ’•✨ When I was looking around stores, somebody singer was singing really nice  my very favorite " The Christmas Song ".  He was singing super nice and beautiful ! I went to see him.  I did not know who he was.  But it seemed like a rehearsal for live stage. So I asked the stage stuff, and they told me " The stage will be from 6-8 pm tonight."  So we dec

- RV Journey # 26 / Pigeon Forge , Tennessee 1 ... My favorite place -

Hello y'all , πŸ˜€✨ Here I am, finally I can update !  Yes, everyday is precious, sometimes too much fun, not enough time for PC for me.   Here we are,  after we stopped by Kentucky, we got here, my very favorite place, Pigeon Forge, TN. πŸ˜„πŸ˜… After we  did go around north east south west and south,  and came back to Tennessee.  If you do not know well about Tennessee, Tennessee is very interesting state.  It is very wide rectangle shape, and there are 8 states attach to Tennessee.  So it depends on locations if you drove half day or so, you can go to other states easily. But Pigeon Forge is very east part, and Memphis is the west edge of the Tennessee.  This is our fourth visit here. And my very favorite !  There were so many tourist people there for this holiday weekend. πŸ˜³πŸ˜…πŸ’¦ ⇣ On a way to Pigeon Forge.  You can see Smokey Mountains.  Pigeon Forge town  ⇣ Next pictures, This is my another favorite place,  " Mel's Diner." It says they w

- RV Journey # 25 Virginia - West Virginia - Ohaio - Indiana / Family Time -

Hello y'all, πŸ˜€✨ Okay, I am away behind my days, so today I finally have enough time. This will be a long post. Hope you are okay to read this long post, and enjoy some pictures.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰✨  We really enjoyed Virginia Beach, so we extended our stay extra a few days.  And a fter we left Virginia Beach, we had a very long drive, and stopped by West Virginia. 😊✨   Hello West Virginia ! ↓ The pictures down below is ME.  I am not pregnant. πŸ˜…πŸ’¦ And I did not have a poopy bag in my tummy pocket like before, πŸ˜…hahahahahaha !  It was very cold day, so Koyuki was in my sweatshirt. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜…πŸ’¦ She seems like not comfortable yet in an RV driving. But also sometimes she enjoys for seeing outside from the doggy window. I love our RV, since we have a doggy window.πŸ˜‹πŸ‘✨  Both Momo and Koyuki enjoy to see outside. πŸΆπŸΆπŸ’•✨ ↓ Koyuki is watching outside from the doggy window.  On a way, we passed through Williamsburg again.   So we just drove through West Virginia.

- RV Journey # 24 / Virginia 8 - Virginia Beach -

Hello y'all, πŸ˜€✨ Okay, so far we had a longest stay in Virginia Beach, so we have many fun memories.  But this is the last update in Virginia Beach on this trip.    It is still away behind, so let's keep catching up my days !  Again, we had a fun family time !  Our nephew " C " and his wife " A ", we did hang out with them again on Veterans day.  We went to the " Back Bay - National Wildlife Refuge ". πŸ˜³πŸ˜€πŸ‘✨  It was just COLD and SUPER WINDY day !  But we went ! πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜±πŸ’¦ hahahahaha ! πŸ˜…πŸ’¦ We saw really wild life. πŸ˜³πŸ˜°πŸ˜±πŸ’¦ We walked around ... in the nature.  This is precious, I love they are protected like this nature and wildlife. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘✨ And we really saw the wild animal ! πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ’¦    And some of are so beautiful nature ... I love this ! ↓ It was really COLD and SUPER WINDY, so it was good enough to see ... , and we decided to go to lunch. We were hungry !  And we went to

- RV Journey # 23 / Virginia 7 - Virginia Beach -

Hello y'all , πŸ˜€✨ Shoot ! I am behind my days again ! πŸ˜±πŸ’¦ Sorry, I could not update for a while, I still have been having some PC issues for uploading, downloading pictures.   Let's catching up my days ! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘✨ I still would like to share some more about Virginia Beach.  Because this is our longest staying here for one spot so far. πŸ˜… We've been enjoying every single location, I can not say which location is the best spot for us.  Each location, each memories are so special and precious for me. πŸ˜˜πŸ’•✨   What I can say now is ...  I wish we could stay longer at least a few days more for each location.πŸ˜…  But we have already made reservation for campground until January, so let's see how we can make slower schedule after that.  Anyway today I would like to share our another fun memories with our new sweet friend, " K " and her super lovely puppy, " Olive ". πŸ˜‹πŸ’•✨    We met them on this campground, they were next to our RV.  Olive