- RV Journey # 25 Virginia - West Virginia - Ohaio - Indiana / Family Time -

Hello y'all, πŸ˜€✨

Okay, I am away behind my days, so today I finally have enough time. This will be a long post. Hope you are okay to read this long post, and enjoy some pictures.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰✨ 

We really enjoyed Virginia Beach, so we extended our stay extra a few days. And after we left Virginia Beach, we had a very long drive, and stopped by West Virginia. 😊✨  
Hello West Virginia !

↓ The pictures down below is ME.  I am not pregnant. πŸ˜…πŸ’¦
And I did not have a poopy bag in my tummy pocket like before, πŸ˜…hahahahahaha ! 

It was very cold day, so Koyuki was in my sweatshirt. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜…πŸ’¦
She seems like not comfortable yet in an RV driving.
But also sometimes she enjoys for seeing outside from the doggy window. I love our RV, since we have a doggy window.πŸ˜‹πŸ‘✨ 
Both Momo and Koyuki enjoy to see outside. πŸΆπŸΆπŸ’•✨

↓ Koyuki is watching outside from the doggy window. 

On a way, we passed through Williamsburg again.

 So we just drove through West Virginia.  It was very beautiful mountain area.  We saved time and money, so we had a Walmart parking camp ! Very appreciated for their service.  Not bad, always we ask the manager and make sure the permission. And it was easy for shopping and stay ! 

And following day, early morning we left Walmart parking, and heading to Indiana, Mr. Wolf's parent's house. 

Hello Ohio ! 
I always want to take a pictures of state sign ! 
But suddenly we find them, and sometimes I was not ready for the cell phone camera. πŸ˜±πŸ˜’πŸ’¦
Mr. Wolf tries to tell me the state signs comes. 
On this day, we were lucky, I got good pictures ! πŸ˜€Yay ! πŸ‘✨
We just drove through Ohio, also.  Someday I would like to see more in Ohio.  Sorry, we could not have sightseeing at all. 
And we finally got to Indiana ! Hello Indiana ! 

We stayed in Indiana for about one week.
It was precious family time, and we usually have go go busy schedule for lots of fun ! πŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ‘πŸ’¦✨

I wanted to have special good time, so I did not take much pictures.  I love taking pictures, but sometimes I would like to spend the time without taking pictures.  Especially it was the last visit before moving back to Washington state. Wanted to spend more time with family than taking many pictures.

But anyway we had lots of fun ! 
My mom-in-law also teaches Water Aerobics, so I usually go to swimming pool with her when she has her lessons. 
It's FUN we can go to swimming pool together. πŸ˜‰✨ Doing something the same hobbies with family together is fun.  
I went to the swimming pool three times in a week while we stayed , I was so happy, and that's great for me !  
Thank you, mom ! πŸ˜„πŸ’•✨

One day, we went to Indianapolis for the " Apple " store, my PC and mom-in-law's PC did not work well.πŸ˜žπŸ’¦  I had some troubles to uploading and downloading pictures for my blog.😰  That's why it took for a long time for updating a new post. πŸ˜₯πŸ’¦ My PC was finally fixed, I've got a relief. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘✨
And after that, we went to  IKEA and Japanese grocery store. 
IKEA was just opened in Indianapolis this autumn, last month ?!  
 I love IKEA.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•✨ 
I got GYOZA / (potstickers) skin, my sister-in-law loves my Gyoza and Japanese Curry !  I also bought a Ramen noodle bowl ! I found it, love it ! 

And I visited my brother/sister - in- law's family. 
I got plenty of skin for Gyoza / Potstickers. 
So I made a lot !!! I did not count, but I am sure I made over  " 100  Gyoza !!! " πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ’•✨
My sister-in-law, she is sweet and helped me to fold it. 
Cooking Gyoza is pretty much work a lot, so when I make them, I always want to make A LOT like over 100 pieces. 

It was coming our nephew's birthday and my birthday, and we wanted to have our a little earlier Thanksgiving party before we leave Indiana.  (We had to leave Indiana before Thanksgiving day.πŸ’¦)  So anyway we had a very nice (a little earlier) Thanksgiving party the other day ! 
So I cooked Japanese curry and Gyoza, mom-in-law, sister-in-law cooked potato, Turkey, Ham, broccoli cheese rice, devil egg, more potato, ...etc.   

And My sister-in-law made a
 " Pineapple Vodka ". 😳😳😳😍😍😍✨
I usually do not drink alcohol much, probably less than once a month.  But this was so tasty, I did not feel it was alcohol or Vodka. πŸ˜³πŸ’¦ And just so tasty ! ✨😍

Looks at the picture down below left.
It was very big drink pot, she took away all syrup, and add Vodka. Pineapple was from 20 cans. 😍✨
White one in a pot, I forgot to bring a rice cooker, so I made a rice with pot.  That's not easy for me. It was probably second time in my life i cooked rice with a pot.  But it turned it out pretty good ! I am very happy about it ! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ‘✨
Lots of yummy meals !!! 

We had really great Thanksgiving together and birthday for our nephew and be lated our niece's birthday. 

 ↑  left above bear with ribbon is sister-in-law, white rabbit bear is ME.   One of uncle and aunt, and some friends also joined us. FUN, FUN great Thanksgiving party ! πŸ˜„πŸ’•✨

Last day, again I went to swimming pool with mom-in-law.
And after that we went to shopping ! Yay ! 
I got some of Christmas decoration !  I LOVE Christmas decoration, even though I am a buddhist.
Just Christmas decoration always makes me smile and happy !  hahahahahaha ! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸŽ„πŸ’•✨

It was hard to believe it, this one week had passed so quickly. 
I also visited brother/sister in law's house for a few days,  we all had lots of GREAT food, lots of FUN together !!! 

So the time has quickly passed, it was time to say ...
 " See you next time ! " πŸ˜˜πŸ’•✨
Thank you so much, mom and dad , T , J , P, A  ... !!! 
See you next time, come and visit our sweet home in Washington. 

I love this picture down below. πŸ˜„πŸ’•
You can see Momo, today after I uploading this picture, I realized there was a Koyuki on the dashboard in front of  drivers seat. πŸ˜…πŸ’¦   Hahahahahahaha ! Cute !πŸ˜… πŸ’•✨
I bought a new outfit for Momo.  She is getting old, and has arthritis, need to keep warm enough in a cold weather.
So I found two outfits for Momo and one for Koyuki. 

Okay, today I would like to share with you some pictures inside of our RV.  I changed the decoration from Autumn to Christmas.  Yesterday I finally got these snowman singers. 
I had been thinking for a long time, if I can get them ... 
On our RV trip, Mr. Wolf and I are trying to make it lighter, and less stuff in an RV as much as possible. πŸ˜…πŸ˜±πŸ’¦
However when I saw these snowman singers,  I really wanted to get them, even though they are pretty big size.  hahahaha ! 
Again, trouble ! So I decided to change decoration from Autumn to Christmas.   
I also would like to share 
I forgot to take some good pictures of Autumn decoration.  You can see both decoration down below... 
This tiny pretty Christmas tree is made by my dear friend JJ who gives me comments often.  After I left Memphis, and I talked to her on this blog and e-mails, and found out she does making miniatures. πŸ˜πŸ’•✨  One of my next dream project is making doll house for my dolls for our house in Washington. 
But I don't know I can make it all DIY like JJ, but it's gonna be fun for doll house. And I am sure this tiny SUPER CUTE Christmas tree will join my doll house for the future. 

↓  What a tiny and lovely Christmas tree !!! 
My doll is almost 12 inches tall, and she is sitting on a chair. 
And tree is much smaller than that,  and this is handmade ! 
Amazing job !!! Thank you always, JJ !!! 
You're awesome ! I wish I could learn about miniature while I was in Memphis. πŸ˜’πŸ’¦
Oh, BTW, this Christmas fabric background, I just sew it square, and tape it on the wall of TV box shelf.   
Isn't that cute fabric ?!   I can change something different for different event.  But sadly, I could not bring my sewing machine for this RV trip.  My sewing machine is super heavy, and too much big. So I gave up to bring it for an RV trip. 
But if I could, I wanted to make a Christmas dress for this doll.  This doll's name is also " Koyuki ", she is my very first doll in my correction. 😊✨

So today I finished these decoration also before we left. 

And now we are heading to south ... 
You see ... Kentucky ... , yes, I got a picture of Kentucky sign ! 
Yay !!! 
We saw a beautiful sunset today ... 

Sorry, it was long updating today, but I wanted to catch up my days, and my family in Japan was also wondering where we are and what's going on ... πŸ˜…πŸ˜³πŸ’¦✨

This is our one of precious dream Journey !
And I am sure this blog will be our precious sweet memories. 
Thank you for stopping by, y'all !😊✨


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