
Showing posts from October, 2017

- RV journey # 17 / Hello Washington DC & Virginia 1 -

Hello y'all , Yes, I am still trying to catch up my days !  Because as you see, we had lots of fun and always busy, so I really did not have enough time for updating with PC. πŸ˜³πŸ’¦ Here we go ... ! πŸ˜„πŸ˜…✊✨ After we left New York, New Jersey, it was okay driving !  But big city, very busy traffic, and yes, it was. Hello, Washington DC and hello, Virginia ! πŸ˜„✋✨ Long time no see ... !  Around Washington DC, there was super traffic again.  πŸ˜±πŸ˜₯πŸ’¦ We finally got the campground in Ft. Belvoir.  It was just right before sunset.  Again I took many sunset pictures, it was so gorgeous, I could not leave there for a long time until it got dark ...  Because every minute, the sunset color gets more beautiful and darker ..., and looks so different ! πŸ˜˜πŸ’•✨✨✨ it was so beautiful and just gorgeous. ✨✨✨ There was a deck on the river/lake. Some people were fishing until it gets very dark.  I also love fishing, I miss for fishing...     Do you like this

- RV Journey # 16 / New York 4 - Downtown - See you, New York, New Jersey !

Hello y'all, πŸ˜„✨ Okay, today I finally got enough PC time, so let's catch up the last day in New York ! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘✨ We finally had a last day in New York.  My dad-in-law had a easy day around the RV, and watched our doggies for us. 😊    Thanks, dad ! πŸ˜…πŸ’¦✨ So mom-in-law, Mr. Wolf, and I went out together for some shopping, and again, we had " hop-On, hop-Off Big Bus " tour. πŸ˜„✊πŸ’¦✨ It was raining again, but surprisedly it is still FUN for me,  I enjoyed it very much ! πŸ˜œπŸ‘✨ We stopped by Manhattan Shopping mall. I got two pairs earrings ! Nothing special, I just wanted to get  ↓ small things as memories from New York. πŸ’“ I got these earrings ...!πŸ˜„✨ On this day, we got to used to take path train ! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘✨ Here we go ... ! ↓  Rockefeller Center.   I said,  " Wooooo.... I wanted to see Christmas tree season, too !  πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸŽ„✨" And Mr. Wolf said ....  " I don't know you really want to see it in the frozen temperature. &

- RV Journey # 15 / New York 3 - Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Downtown Big Bus tour -

Hello Y'all , πŸ˜‹✨ Well,I am still behind my days, go, go,let's go catching up !πŸ˜… Even though we came back RV home late night last night.  We woke up early as always, we had a go go schedule. πŸ˜³πŸ˜…πŸ’¦ We took ferry and went to see the Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty ! 😊✨  Again, it was a little cloudy ... ⛅ On the ferry ...↓ ↓ Many many histories ... , very interesting ... !πŸ˜‰✨ ↓  And we saw the Statue Of Liberty from the ferry.  We were busy, wanted to see lots of more things !  So we went back to an RV and getting ready for afternoon schedule Hop on,Hop off, Big Bus tour !  When we came back to RV, Momo was watching us from the doggy window of RV.πŸ˜…  hahahahahahaπŸ˜„πŸ’•!  Isn't that cute ?!πŸ˜…πŸ˜„πŸ’•✨ ↓  The doggy window is the right side of the RV entrance door, tiny square window is the Doggy window ! Our doggies love that one, and enjoy to see outside !!!  πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ’•✨ ↓  We took this " Hop on Hop off, Big Bus tour " 🚌✨

- RV Journey # 14 / New York 2 -

Hello y’all , friends and family, πŸ˜€πŸπŸŽƒ✨ Well, I am away behind for posting, everyday is precious and everyday we have too much fun with friends and family.  Let’s keep catching up my days and events ! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š✨ The second day in New Jersey / New York.  When I woke up I saw the sky from our bedroom window.  It was like this beautiful colors with sunrise. πŸ˜€✨ Aren’t they so beautiful ? πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ We took ferry boat and went to New York to see my friend, L.  She is my very special friend since 25 years ago.... I think.It was so special and great to see her, I was so HAPPY ! I had not seen her for over 10 years..., so we had a great time together ! πŸ˜„πŸ’•✨✨✨ ↓  Koala🐨 &  " L "  ↓  L took us to the 9.11 memorial museum.  She was born and grew up in NY.  ↓ Me 🐨, mom-in-law, and L.  And more sight seeing in downtown ! πŸ˜€πŸ˜‹πŸ’•✨ ↓  My very first New York lunch ! So good. Yum ! πŸ˜‹πŸ’•πŸ‘✨ The picture down below, it looks like Momo.