-The Emperor's Palace & The East Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo -

Hello Y'all , 
Today I would like to share many pictures where we went to the East Garden of the Imperial Palace. 
There use to be a EDO castle in Samurai time. 
But it was burned down sometimes and sadly they did not rebuild it anymore.  After that the emperor moved to Tokyo from Kyoto. Then now it is Emperor's Palace. 
It is big area in Tokyo, we can not see emperor's house directly, so this is one of the gates. 

 And the next to the Emperor's palace, there is the “ East Garaden of the Imperial Palace "... where used to be “ Edo Castle “ in Samurai time.
Funny thing is me, my family are from Tokyo, but we had not been here so far. Very interesting and I felt old history.

↓ These trees down below ... was HUGE,  I am not sure how old they are, but I believe they are planted since Samurai time...      Now there are too many tall building and concreat Jangle in Tokyo, but long long time ago, there was no tall building, I believe they could see Mt. Fuji (tallest mountain in Japan) easily from around here... 😉

After sightseeing here, we had family reunion party at our cousin's resrtaurant.  It was so much FUN ! 
And two more days we leave here Tokyo... 😢

Thank you for stopping by, y' all ! 😊✨


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