- RV Journey # 8 / Sturgeon Falls - South Montreal, Quebec , Canada -

Hello y'all, 😋✨
We got to Sturgeon Falls. 
It was by the river, so beautiful. The campground was closed already, but when we called and asked making reservation, they let us stay for a night.  Very kind and sweet ! 
And it was just gorgeous day !  
ONLY us in this gorgeous campground. 😳😅💕✨✨✨💦
It was so warm and nice day,  the driving was not too long, about 5 hours include some break time. 
We enjoyed being outside. Dogs also enjoyed running around...,   It was so lovely day ! 😄💕✨

The owner told us pick anywhere site. 
So we picked a nice spot with cute patio set.😊💕Thank you✨

We very enjoyed this location, but we had to move this morning again. We stayed here only for a night. 
Booooo .... , it was too short. 😢😓💦
Many campgrounds were already closed in Canada ?! So when we made reservation, we found out many of campgrounds will be closed when we travel.  So we thought we might better to hurry going through Canada, before it is getting snow. 
( It's not good idea for us for RV driving in the snow. 
We're not used to it. )
But now we realized we should stay for 3-4 days at least. 
Otherwise we can't see around like this beautiful places. 😓😢
Now we're just only driving through... 
in the beautiful view. 
Mr.Wolf drives our RV really well.  We've been enjoying to see the beautiful Autumn colors and view. And Mr. Wolf and I often say " Wow ---!" with these beautiful colors and views.  We are so lucky to visit this country in beautiful Autumn. 
Next time, I would like to spend many more days in Canada.

And we got into the Quebec. 
It is hard to see it, but the underneath this green Maple leaf sign says Quebec.

↓ Ohhhh, I did not know that there are Wal-mart in Canada. 
I had only visited around Vancouver, Canada. 
And I did not see it. Today I finally went to shopping here, and they have some  different kinds of products.  FUN to see !  
But I could not get any special, since we don't have any enough room for Koala Bus.  Trying to not extra shopping...  
The picture down below, there is a Canadian flag on the top of roof. 😀 Interesting !😊✨

After this ↑, we were getting into the Ottawa, the Capital big city of Canada, and I realized it was Friday afternoon busy traffic. 😱😰💦  ↓

I always take like these pictures from my passenger seat, the Koala bus often shakes  ,it is hard to take good pictures what I wanted.  I wanted to take some certain pictures like this sign of Quebec.  And even though I took many pictures, and many of them are blurred.😢And I missed for taking a picture of the sign of Ottawa. 😢💦 

 I don't know why, but I love this sign of deer. 😀✨
It looks cute and also looks like fun deer hopping, running. But I really hope they are not coming to across the road. 😱💦

⇣ The Lawrence River 

And ...we finally made it !  South Montreal. 😊👍✨
Ohhhh.... , it's the campground sign of French, too. 😳😳😳💦
Yep, on away here, we saw some traffic signs of French name, or different spells.   Interesting ! 😜✨ 

Thank you for stopping by ... ! 😋✨


  1. I have been told Canada is a beautiful place to see::::interesting::::

    but wait till you see the Rocky Mountain area:::that is also so awesome, but some time away for that...

    see you soon!! keep enjoying

  2. Hello mom, thank you for your comment !
    East Canada is first time for me, just only 5 days are too short. (;*.*;)"
    I'm original from concrete Jangle Tokyo, so any colors and mother nature land is precious for me. (^.^)v"
    Maybe we needed for a year long road trip, instead of 6 months. hahahahahaha !!! (^o^;)"
    See you again soon ! (^.^)v"""

  3. Hi, 🐨 . The pictures are very clear....I love the colors you have captured. Good to read you and Mr. 🐺 are having a wonderful trip. Back here in TN we are starting to get some of the cold temperatures you have been experiencing, but not much color in the trees yet. I have been enjoying your blog....as I "travel" along with you. Be safe. JJ

  4. Hello JJ, thank you so much always for your sweet comment. 😊
    Now we were visiting our friends , I am sorry, we were very busy our scheduleswimmin , could not have enough time for PC.
    My updating is getting late, but when I have enough time and good wifi, I will update as soon as possible.
    Ohhhhh cold swimming pool is not fun for you. 😥💦 I know that. 😱💦 Please keep moving a lot and catch your breathe, hang in there, JJ ! 😜🤗💦✨ I’ve been enjoying our adventures very much, but also miss you ,and all friends Memphis,, and swimming pool so much. 😢😢😢💦


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