- Harajyuku, Tokyo / Lunch & Sweets -

Hello Y'all, 
It is a continuation from last time...
When we walked back street in Harajyuku, I found this pretty green & flowers. 
There are some green spots in Tokyo, it is only certain places.
And when I saw this in a backstreet, made me smile...😋✨
It was very pretty blue and green contrast.

From the top of the bridge on Omotesando ↓

Lunch time , again Sushi lunch ↓
I love Japanese style Sushi. 

My mom's lunch ↓

This is a part of my lunch, Bara Chirashi sushi. 
It's a little small bowl. ↓

 And this is my lunch combo. We love small many dishes. 
The meal in front is my lunch, 
The sushi on a wooden board in the back is my mom's lunch.
I forgot to take a picture of tiny dessert,  after this meal, we got a tiny dessert of green tea ice cream & sweet beans + 2 tiny shiratama dango (kind a sticky mochi). 

After walking around , again we went to the cafe and had an another dessert.↓😳😳😳💦
We want to say, " Because we walked a lot." 😅😝💦✨
These are not all for me😅💦, for each per person. (of course!)

My mom and cousin ate Fruits Bavarois, my aunt ate a Fig rollcake, and again I got my favorite Mont Blanc cake, (chestnut cream) cake.↓
Only once a year, I can eat them when I visit Japan.
Once again,the big difference from American sweets is ... these are less sweet, but enough sweet ... for us.😅

Thank you for stopping by, y'all.
Hope you have an another happy weekend. 😋🌻✨


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