- Long Day 3 / Shopping -

 - From the previous continuation -
After visiting temple/cemetery for my dad and family history members,  and after sushi lunch, one of our aunt (mom's sister) came and joined us for shopping at shopping mall. 😊😋✨
This is the monorail.  It was the first time to visit this newer shopping mall.  It was so much fun to see around. 😋

Many and cute stuff ... 

My mom , aunt, and sister ... from the left. 😋💕

I was so exciting, this is so CUTE ! ⇣
I wanted to get this snoopy dog bed.  But as you see my previous blog topic, I already made special DIY dog kennel myself.   So I gave up and no room for our camper after we return to U.S.

What is it ??? ↓

Chopstick restraint ⇣

They are not plush dolls.  Real puppies. ⇣
They were so adorable, super tiny puppies. However I felt so sorry and sad for them, they still looked they need their mommy. 
I wish they should stay with their mommy together for 3 months to learn many things. And their personality is stable and calm down. 

Thank you for stopping by ... 😋✨


  1. You must have been in "heaven" in this shopping place! So many cute things to see....and crafts.
    Your dog bed is much better.

  2. JJ, thank you for your sweet comment ! hahahahahaha ! Yes, it was so fun to see cute & fun things here ! But sadly no more space for our RV. So not much shopping .... I am telling myself. But I would love to ! But also I love to shopping tons of craft stuff in U.S. They have tons of craft stuff, it's crafty heaven for me ! I am lucky to know both good things !


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