- Karaoke in Japan -

It was fun day the other day.
 I did hang out with my friend from middle school and high school. 
We had a nice lunch, Nagasaki Champon noodle. 
 That's my very favorite meal. 
Ohhhhhh.... it was so good tasty ! 

I forgot taking a picture of it,  ...  so this is from the website picture.
Lots of vegetables and good soup noodle ! Yay ! 😊

And after lunch, we went to Karaoke store. 
hahahahahahaha !!! 
This is the one of our FUN cultures. 
As you see the first picture, our karaoke store has many tiny rooms in the the building.  Not like on the stage at the bar lke U.S.  So we don't have to be nervous, just having FUN for ourselves. 😅😅😅✨
I love singing, dancing, that's my energy out,  love music to listen and I do play a piano.  Singing with playing a piano.  When I was young, I had a band with friends.  So I love singing, too.  
I am Not too good singer, but it's okay, I don't care, just do it for having FUN ! 
My friend and I sang in this room with drinks for four hours ! 
Yep, we danced with singing " Dancing Queen " !!! 😅😅😅✨
Just FUN, FUN, FUN !!! 

Oh, we only order soft drink bar, but they also have meals, snacks,desert, if you would like to order. 
There are many tiny rooms which has like this karaoke machine and microphones, sofa, coffee table... 
And yesterday there was a tiny low stage in the tiny room. 😅💦
I did not stands on it, but ... we enjoyed singing and dancing ourselves. hahahahahaha ! 
And sometimes some karaoke stores  have big party room also.  So some big groups can have a karaoke party with drinks or foods. 

My friend allowed me to share this picture. 
Thanks, Eiko ! 😅

Thank you for stopping by, y'all ! 😊


  1. JJ wants to know.....Does Eiko understand "y'all"?

  2. JJ, hahahahaha ! That's a good question ! (^o^)"""
    She has been learning English over two years, she might figure out the meaning of " y'all " .
    Well, I learned it when we move to Memphis.
    I did not have many chances to learn slang words, and I am still learning.... forever. (@.@;)"""
    hehehehehehe !


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