- Praying for 9.11 -

It is 16 years from that day. 

I still remember well on that day.

Mr. Wolf and I were in Japan, I was in Tokyo.

It was just 2 months later, since when I met Mr. Wolf.
We just started dating... back then. 


I could not get it. 

Because I just came back home my apartment, and turned on the tv news. 

What I saw is ... a tall building was smoking ...

At first ... I thought .... what movie is it ? 

and I kept wondering ... what is this ? 

I could not understand what's going on ... 
It took for a while to figure out what it is ...

It was Japanese tv on live news.  
But still I could not believe it. 

And when I was thinking about that, next what I saw is ... 
  the second plane just crashed into the building. 

It was not a movie or movie shooting... 

It was just two months later, after i met my Mr. Wolf,  and he had gone to the sea after that. 

It was very hard to believe that happened..., why... ? 

And I really worried about him...
I could not contact with him for a while.


I pray for all of them.
 I pray for y' all ... 

 with Love & Peace 


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